Is it too late for America?

Thanks. My husband read The Prize lately and said I should read it. Based on that list, I'm probably reading more from the left? Though I've never heard of the Carter book and maybe it will cover some of the post war era stuff since it's about Keynes. Regarding post Bretton Woods wealth inequality, I'd say Stiglitz is good to check out- he's been responding a lot to Trump's claims of returning a manufacture base, also Paul Mason (Meltdown) who is very accessible and Dean Baker (Rigged) on how the post-BW era of fluctuating currencies leads to financialization and austerity. They are all "progressive" but not necessarily far left. If you want to look further left, David Harvey has a good but very old book about Neoliberalism which is fascinating even now even though it came out when I was in high school. I don't know what it would've been like to try to read Picketty without all that under my belt as he's very dry and mostly seems to come to their conclusions through currently acceptable university methodologies which I guess works for a certain kind of brain! Good night, thanks for the list!

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