115 words How would you pronounce the state “Ohio”. 238 words Which celebrity do you think is unattractive but the media portrays as beautiful? 280 words What’s something pretty much everyone in your country agrees on? 355 words What's your country before and after? 143 words What country do you trust more - Russia or USA? 141 words The EU took a sort of “neutral” stance on the ongoing presidential crisis in Venezuela. Your thoughts on this? 280 words What do you think of political parties where you live? 280 words What are the conservative party in your country like? 319 words What was your worst tourist experience? 121 words Does ketchup and/or mayonnaise on pizza disgust you? 156 words Pasta with sugar, have you ever eaten it? 158 words Do you have political ads that run during elections? 327 words Would you actually prefer the U.S. to be isolationist and keep to itself? 254 words In German Politics, do people ever use what their family did in WWII as leverage? 193 words Which european country are you never visiting again and why? 182 words Brits, doesn't your society have a very big problem with alcohol and hooligans? 114 words Will Central Europe and the Baltics surpass Southern Europe in the following decades in measures like GDP per capita and overall development? What are the current cultural perceptions on each region in Europe? 131 words What other European nationality receives the most discrimination or is the most disliked in your country? 125 words You have to change the flag of your country. What's your new flag? 484 words What are some patriotic/nationalistic songs from your country?