What are the conservative party in your country like?

Very generalized and not neuanced.

In Norway there's a right to left, where right is called borgerlig and left is called sosialistisk with the colours blue and red.

At the borgerlig side we have one party, Høyre/Høgre, which is proper conservative and is the biggest one.

Høyre is known for lowering taxes and privatization, but not extremely so. They are somewhat liberal but not value wise. For instance, they want to allow stores to have open on Sundays, but it took them some years to be for Gay marriage. A common stereotype and/or valid criticism is that they are for the rich and powerful.

Fremskrittspartiet/Framstegspartiet (Frp) is more of a mix. They are much more liberal and anti taxes than Høyre, and for restrictive immigration. I'd say they less conservative (in the sense of small and steady change) and more radical. The stereotype is that they want cheap booze, cars, and petrol and no immigrants.

Kristelig folkeparti/kristeleg folkeparti is considered the least borgerlig party however the most conservative in values. They want progressive taxes and is economically more left leaning, but want to be more restrictive in things like abortions, gay marriage. The stereotype is that they want to go back to how it was with wife at home with 28 kids and everyone went to church every Sunday.

Last one is Venstre which is a social liberal environmental party. They are not very conservative value wise, but it's hard to summarize them. They are known for being split on everything. The stereotype is that it is the party for those who doesn't know what they want, because you can find everything there.

/r/AskEurope Thread