168 words What's a story where the "bad guys" are actually, completely, 100% right, to the point where it's weird the story keeps calling them the bad guys? 185 words Disabled people of Reddit, what is one thing that you wish abled body people would stop doing to disabled people? 253 words What are you thoughts on a woman who has safely slept with 50+ men? Would you date? 122 words What are things racist people do that they don’t think is racist? 158 words what's the longest you've gone without sleeping at all? 126 words What is one concept that no matter how much explanation you get you just don’t get it? 162 words What are things racist people do that they don’t think is racist? 122 words To those who saw Phantom Menace in theaters in 1999, how did you feel about the movie then? Now? 261 words Some people use a pee jar at night, how terrible is this really? 126 words What are your legit reasons to not have kids? 304 words Why would you get married and not just stay life partners? 153 words People who suffered from loneliness and isolation, how did you become more comfortable putting yourself out there? 169 words What job position is 100% overvalued and overpaid? 139 words Everyone here , what made , forced or motivated you to join gym and at what age ? 268 words What's something about your childhood that you thought was normal at the time but realised as an adult that it wasn't? [Serious] [NSFW] 171 words What is the creepiest thing you’ve seen in the woods, or in the mountains, or in deserts, or caves, or in small towns, or in big cities, or in hotels, or in remote or rural areas, or while asleep, or home alone, or while on large bodies of water, or while on an aircraft or a nautical vessel? 404 words What is the best thing about living in the USA compared to the rest of the world? 494 words What is your biggest regret? 190 words What’s the most American thing a person can do? 155 words Where were you when 9/11 happened?