What is the creepiest thing you’ve seen in the woods, or in the mountains, or in deserts, or caves, or in small towns, or in big cities, or in hotels, or in remote or rural areas, or while asleep, or home alone, or while on large bodies of water, or while on an aircraft or a nautical vessel?

Definitely not. Disney also says if you sell your beautiful voice to a sea witch you'll meet a prince charming that doesn't care tou washed up naked on the beach and you're underage and can't speak English and thinks a fork is a comb, and you're underage, and then try to marry you because you can't object, and you're super underage, and accidentally kill the sea witch that stole your voice, and then accidentally kill the witch, and I guess that's how marriage works and you're still a fucking teenager, and according to Disney that's a happy ending. I dunno I work two jobs I don't have time for this.

Also Hans Christian Anderson wrote the original story and it was messed up because he was in the closet and it was an homage to his muse, a man he couldn't be with, and the "Mermaid" becomes sea foam and dies. Because like his feelings, it isn't reciprocated and fizzles out with the gentlest breeze. And nature doesn't care about feelings.

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