Disabled people of Reddit, what is one thing that you wish abled body people would stop doing to disabled people?

I have mental health problems that don’t allow me to work currently. I don’t know if that would be considered “disabled” but I do receive disability (everything is diagnosed from multiple psychiatrists) and some other resources (government programs) to get by. My roommate (long time friend) sometimes gets annoyed that I “get to stay home all day while he has to work”. I mean I understand where he is coming from since I technically get more money then him working a full time job. I also pay the majority of the bills. I am the one to talk to the landlord, negotiate our lease renewals, find people to sublet our spare room for extra income, do most of the house work, etc…

Yet because I can’t actually work right now I’m seen as less in our friend groups eyes. Even my own family think I’m making excuses and being lazy. They even get mad if I say something like “I get paid tomorrow” because they say since I don’t work I’m not getting paid I’m getting money.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent