115 words Have Americans Lost Interest in Real Police Reform? | The Crime Report 127 words No donut for this one 170 words Kelly Thomas, never forget 131 words Two US Police Officers Who Shot and Killed an Unarmed Black Man in His Grandmother’s Backyard Will Not Face criminal charges 208 words Tallahassee Police Department seizing shipments of legal hemp flower calling it cannabis. Business owner out 500k 151 words Case against Dallas officer who shot neighbor to go before grand jury for possible ungraded charges. 112 words Cops ‘Flip a Coin’ to Decide Whether They’ll Arrest Driver 174 words [04/13/18] Fired Oakland cop, convicted of being drunk in public, sues to get his job back 195 words WATCH: Hero Dad Saves 30 People From Gunman – Cops Show Up And Shoot HIM 131 words Bitch Cop. Upvote this so the world can see what a bitch ass cop pussy cunt fucker cocksucking murderer looks like. 238 words Bitch Cop. Upvote this so the world can see what a bitch ass cop pussy cunt fucker cocksucking murderer looks like. 180 words Jeff Sessions was asked why the FBI investigates ‘Black extremists’ but not the KKK. It did not go well for him. 188 words Stop resisting! 212 words UC Berkeley campus police cite street food vendor, then take his money - Story [09-10-2017] 369 words Salt Lake police officer arrests nurse who, rightly, refused to give him patient's blood due to patient being both not a suspect of a crime and unconscious 261 words We have a troll posting racist crap here for over 12 hours now and it can take hours to get a post out of the spam queue. Moderators, would you please explain why you refuse to add another mod? 677 words Lawyer Refuses to answer questions during traffic stop - Gets arrested 573 words ABQ Police Officer slams into a left turning car, killing a child in the back seat. (Story in Comments) 233 words Colin Kaepernick: “You can become a cop in six months and don't have to have the same amount of training as a cosmetologist,.. That's insane. Someone that's holding a curling iron has more education and more training than people that have a gun and are going out on the street to protect us.” 485 words Cops Beat & Pepper Spray A Student For Having An Expired "Elevator Pass". Cops Tried Forcing Asthmatic Teenager To Take Steps Instead Of Accommodating The Disability.