130 words Flakfire's latest video may be what DICE should be doing. 358 words This Week in Battlefield V - July 8th Edition 112 words Dear Mother, fighting these last few days has turned much more deadly, the enemy, they must have mastered some sort of weapon that turns them invisible, the only sign of them we have is their floating helmet, I hope we find a way to counter this weapon, with love, your son 142 words Message to DICE 297 words Leaving this subreddit 535 words Posting idiosyncratic photos from history and tagging them as "leaked" or "upcoming" content makes you an asshole 120 words Yup, Battlefield V might be the most intense one since Bad Company 2... 153 words Battlefield V Grand Operations menu concept 285 words Weekend Friend Finder 138 words Someone please explain to me how the BFV health regen system is good, when its clearly ruining the game. 124 words Feels like battlefront 2 229 words Eat my shorts DICE 137 words This soldier concept arts has collar tabs. and it's field-grey. In the game? almost none.Why? 179 words shotguns have no pellets in the middle 217 words This Week in Battlefield V - January 14th - Chapter 2: Lightning Strikes 224 words Take heart medics, your savior weapon has arrived 140 words Discussion & Feedback -Battlefield V Chapter 2: Lightning Strikes Update & Update Notes 221 words Really unpopular opinion 178 words In response to the B2 Bomber Poster: My Great grandfather who served for the 155th Panzer Division as a Waffen SS Tank Commander in France under Franz Landgraf. He never commited a War Crime as far as we know. 717 words Why is the assault class a better sniper than the recon class?