Take heart medics, your savior weapon has arrived

because 95% of this subreddit are special snowflakes who're utterly terrible at the game, and no matter what game they're playing, the medic class is always the worst class in the game because they main it (since they can only get points by revive and heal-spamming; but, of course, they reason they don't get kills CAN'T be because they're utter garbo, no, it has to be because medic is underpowered)

its so infuriating, because DICE ends up listening to them and fucking up the balance even more

in bf1, these goons cried about the assault being OP, because he had SMGs that were decent in close range - while medic had the hilariously stupid semi-autos that were extremely strong at mid range, while still okay-ish in close range

bfv, it's the other way around, medic has the SMGs and assault the semi-autos... So they still cry assault is OP - doesn't matter that BFV medic with infinite heal and 5 smokes has a way easier time abusing SMGs than BF1 assault ever did.

So, in their minds, assault = OP. And that includes every assault weapon, including the ARs where all but the 1907 are utter trash (and now the 1907 is pretty bad too, comparatively). It doesn't matter that they're the worst weapons in the game after the MP34, because the assault has them they must be OP.

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