Why is the assault class a better sniper than the recon class?

Backwards game design. Every class but Assault got completely fucked over. Lazy and incompetent innovation.

Medic weapons take 45 mins to kill, all his subclass traits suck ass and you are reduced to healbot on large open maps since there is no way you are killing anything long range (especially carbine Assaults). Even after finding a semi-reliable option of Suomi with 50 ammo clip and singleshots for the head you can still be destroyed much faster. They removed crates healing cause it doesn't fit into new mechanics. You have bandages and bandages box on CD that falls through the floor 50% of the time. What would you chose? Hm, let me think. They even put this ridiculous challenge where you have resupply with crates but luckily you don't have to do it since challenges are broken and just never complete anyway. I had to buy my Vickers K for CC. But at least medics can revive, oh wait, literally everyone can.

Recon re-work is even better. 1. Remove sniper effective range. Only headshots count since Assault kills you faster long range than you fire twice with lee enfield. 2. So people would go for self-loading to compensate? Easy headshots? We can't have people have fun. 3. Make it two headshots point blank with self-loading... Like Jesus Christ, throwing knives that disappear mid-air half of the time and deal 85 damage if you're more than 5 cm away from the enemy. Thanks god when they were removing cool gadgets from the game they left sniper bait. It was insanely useful in BF1 and we finally have it here. I use it all the time, 71% winrate (second part is true though, everything else is obvious sarcasm). Even more sarcasticly, the useful things about the recon class are the fucking tube and the beacon. Flare gun is complete trash in this. Beacon is good only because on some maps they are literally impossible to find because DICE decided that only allied beacons emit radio noise but enemy ones don't.

Support is either reduced to one kill per clip guns (like FG-42 and KE-7) which take almost a full clip to kill or you are forced to abuse broken visibility and move only prone, like you're a fucking snake. Removing ADS from MG's was an amazing idea, here, have a gun you can't aim with. But wait, I can lie down and use bipod - I won, right? Well, no, DICE has this covered as well. Going prone on anything but 100% flat ground (building level would've been cool as a gadget) will result in your soldier fucking with bipod, closing and opening it constantly, but when you finally get it to work it will most likely SHOOT THE GROUND YOU'RE LYING ON instead of the AIR ABOVE IT YOU ARE AIMING AT. So since MG's are useless when standing up (even at point blank range) if you need to move somewhere your best bet is to use a sidearm all the time while you're moving since there will never be enough time to lie down, open fucking bipod and hope you won't be shooting huge ground hitboxes. Hey, at least you still get an abolutely useless box of ammo that replenishes one gadget with a long cooldown (actually two cooldowns, a long one and a short one as a bonus). That is when it doesn't fall through the ground (around 50% of the time as well). I ok with the idea of grenades not being restock by supports to reduce nade spam (still have nightmares about gas spam on argonnes). This time they fucked up backwards, since ammo pouches are completely useless so you're actually stuck with this fall-through box on cd mechanic THAT WAS IMPLEMENTED ONLY BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO WORK AROUND THIS BANDAGES AND AMMO IDEA.

Imagine all that with a netcode and gameplay mechanics when you can't even tell when you're getting hit most of the time. Resulting in getting one-shot by carbines by people actually shooting you for a long time you can't even react to?

P.S. Just needed to spill it out, the more I play the less I'm starting to like this game. It's just so ill-designed and mechanicaly confusing and broken. I know noone's going to read through all this shit, but damn, this could've been a good BF game.

/r/BattlefieldV Thread