228 words What do you Ukers think of Americans who speak with a Brit accent? 249 words Can we all agree that Choc Ice is at least mid tier? 139 words My NHS experience (and why you should get checked for bowel cancer) 159 words O2 are a gem indeed. 146 words Buying 2 bus tickets so you can justify sitting by yourself to strangers :) 185 words How much can you realistically negotiate with major used car dealerships? 178 words So missed a parcel today..... I live at number 10 128 words Those of you who live at home with your parents/family. How much rent do they charge you? 308 words The feeling you get when you find £40 in a puddle when you're walking to work! 645 words Is it just me, or does the comma here make Google Maps sound disgusted with the state of the traffic? A nice touch! 121 words Always be nice to Airline staff 126 words What Kind of Animals Do I Work With? 165 words After four years in the UK, I only today realised that cars have a white number plate on the front and a yellow one on the back 187 words My colleague eats egg custards likes this. I’ve told her she’s a psychopath. 122 words Apparently Americans don't let their cats outside!? 119 words Alright everyone- time to crack out your stories of terrible christmases past 237 words Robbing buggers 261 words Trying to get an American accent to surprise yanks 134 words School bans bags so boy turns up carrying books in a microwave 135 words What I Rent: Tom, £1,733 a month for a flat in the Barbican Estate