126 words There was a post on here yesterday about an American guy completely misinterpreting his 'friendly' card from his new neighbours. So, just for a laugh on a Wednesday morning, I'd like to share some stories from the last 3 years featuring my 'friendly' neighbour Wendy 198 words There was a post on here yesterday about an American guy completely misinterpreting his 'friendly' card from his new neighbours. So, just for a laugh on a Wednesday morning, I'd like to share some stories from the last 3 years featuring my 'friendly' neighbour Wendy 126 words Sainsbury’s ‘Living Well for’.. never mind 117 words Yesterday I visited the place where the legendary BRUM was filmed. 143 words Childhood songs 106 words Big thanks to the security guard at Sainsbury's Lower Sydenham for rescuing my bike, they were so close to cutting through! Buying a better lock immediately... 274 words 111 saved my life today 143 words Saturday night thread 127 words Wednesday wins 173 words Am I the only one who's completely out of touch with British celebrities? 244 words A helpful guide 180 words Just got home from a two week trip to Europe, most of which was spent in the UK. Here's a picture from York, my favorite place I visited :) 179 words Not sure if the mods will allow this but just a heads up for anyone around! 133 words /r/CasualUK gets into outrageously good shape [06/01/2020]. 445 words What’s a nice treat to get your car for passing its MOT? 123 words A wonderful idea for bus stop seating on the Isle Of Skye, Scotland. 202 words Just caught the person using my work parking space 123 words Friendly reminder to all the under 16 UK Redditors out there.. 168 words What's your 60 second story? 150 words Janey managing to review the wrong place and including a photo of an ice cream shop.