1,377 words this sub really misses the boat on transgenderism 540 words Help, Help, Help Please! Dealing with A Radical Traditionalist Family Member who left SSPX to start a resistance Church. 479 words Looking for specific Dogma on transgender or homosexuality. 415 words Looking for specific Dogma on transgender or homosexuality. 765 words Four Ways that Same-Sex Marriage Will Affect You 408 words 10 Things Every Catholic Should Know About Marriage 451 words Suicide 406 words Catholic Church used to allow Same-sex Unions 251 words Bishop to priests: 'Stop the homily abuse' 344 words This is completely out of control. 473 words Op-ed article by NY Times claims that Homosexual Marriage can be supported on natural law grounds. 319 words Op-ed article by NY Times claims that Homosexual Marriage can be supported on natural law grounds. 450 words Can someone ELI5 the controversial Indiana religious freedom bill and what it means and doesn't mean for Catholic people and their businesses/institutions? 911 words This is completely out of control. 684 words This is completely out of control. 741 words This is completely out of control. 1,144 words Ministry Interview 351 words REVEALED: How a staggering 40% of Millennials in the US believe still that homosexual relationships are 'immoral.' 411 words Grew up Catholic with mom, Christian with dad, now I am in self conflict between Catholicism and Atheism. 381 words REVEALED: How a staggering 40% of Millennials in the US believe still that homosexual relationships are 'immoral.'