116 words How was Mass today Reddit? 304 words There's nothing Catholic about 'Catholics for Choice' 264 words Tolerance is not a Christian virtue 209 words Chillingly prophetic quote by Msgr. Eugenio Pacelli, later Pope Pius XII 184 words Does anyone know of any masters level Theology classes that can taken or audited for free? 320 words A Googler's Conversion Story 286 words I don't understand today's Gospel reading. 206 words Receiving a blessing during communion? 308 words I'm afraid to date someone because of past sins 503 words Connected: National Black Catholic Congress unites members to evangelize 215 words Do most people go to hell? 184 words [Politics Monday] Obianuju Ekeocha: "Most African women do not want contraception or abortions. It’s mostly western culture trying to tell us that’s what we should want", but British newscaster cuts her off and pushes for contraception 176 words Former LDS member interested in Catholic Church with some questions and concerns 206 words Today is the 564th anniversary of the day Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Turks, and the Roman Empire in the East came to an end. Here's some beautiful Byzantine chant written to commemorate the catastrophe. 183 words Melania Trump, First Lady of the United States of America, is actually a Catholic! 345 words What will heaven be like? 759 words An Important Message for the /r/Catholicism Community 624 words [Catholic Writing Prompt] You are St Michael the Archangel, you have to clean up the mess the Horseman of War made after a clerical error made him think he was supposed to come down 2018 instead of 2118. 229 words Women = More beautiful than men? (Slightly NSFW mentions) 180 words The Smell of Faith