10 Things Every Catholic Should Know About Marriage

I'm a fairly broken Christian and maybe I'm just completely being naive and silly here, and I probably won't make any sense here, but does it kind of...I don't know how to put it into words really...When I think about all these things that people, in modern times, break all the time an don't bat an eye, does that kind of "prove" to you how righteously correct the Word really is, in some way?

Like, sex before marriage can cause a lot of problems in relationships that likely won't last to marriage. I could see it as a pure "pleasure" indulgence and yet, in modern times, people say that's perfectly okay...and yet I can kind of understand them? I get what they mean how it shouldn't be something one would be guilty of, but at the same time, I also see them as wrong?

For homosexuality, I think it's kind of the same vein. I think there are a lot of people who definitely choose to be homosexual, whether for pleasure or to be in the crowd they desire. However, I also believe some people truly are gay and it wasn't a choice for them, and for those people I don't really know what to think.

And abortion, well that's already pretty concrete in my mind. I mostly see it as an extremely horrible act that people, again, some people do just because they don't want to be bothered by having a child. To me it's just incredibly selfish, but there are those extreme cases where I don't know what to think, you know?

I don't know, this all probably just sounds like a ramble and I didn't really know how to write it out. For me, following the fundamental principles of the Bible like in this article, in my mind, kind of prove how important they are because if they are followed you really will create something truly beautiful - an amazing marriage built on selflessness. But it's so hard to also believe that when so many other people promote otherwise all the time - especially when you're a college student.

Sorry for the ramble, I just felt like I needed to say something. I still consider myself religious but am almost always like "seeking proof" to make myself feel better ever since I've kind of quit going to church and everything, and from what little I know about Catholicism I really respect it.

/r/Catholicism Thread Link - patheos.com