Catholic Church used to allow Same-sex Unions

You act like every person that believes LGBT citizens should have equal rights under the law is suddenly out to get you and burn down every Church. That's just not true. Stop drinking the Ted Cruz kool-aid.

A large portion of the LGBT community is religious. Being LGBT is just a part of who they are, just like skin color. Just because they are that way doesn't mean they are evil and out to get you.

It's something they're born with, just like skin color, it's something that is found in a vast majority of species on this planet, something that doesn't define the individual, but is just one piece. They just want equal rights for all, not special rights, not to make them superior, just simply the same rights everyone else has, nothing more, nothing less.

You treat it like it's some war against Christianity, when it's not. The two are not mutually exclusive.

Don't believe it? Well I'm proof of it personally. I believe LGBT citizens should have equal rights and protections under the law just like everyone else benefits from. That I was raised and taught by the Catholic Church that we should stand up for the oppressed not be the ones doing the persecuting.

I am a Catholic, have been all my life, went to Catholic schools from K-12, I actively participate in my local parish assisting over a dozen Catholic charities here locally, attending Mass 3 times a week at least, going to Adoration a couple times a week, donate a tenth of my income to various projects my Parish runs, have my personal company and my family's company offer the Church our services for free as needed on a regular basis, help out with the youth programs and 40 days for life program, and much more. I participate and help out as much as I can.

I want the Church to grow, not shrink. I am happy that my relatively small parish has grown tremendously in the last few years, for example we have 27 seminarians from our Church alone currently, I remember just 7 years ago when we were on a multi-year streak of having no one from our parish in the seminary.

All LGBT Activists aren't out to destroy the Church, I don't know a single one that is, but I do know plenty that actually support the Church, a good chunk of my own Parish supports equality for all, including LGBT.

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