1,281 words Rapist: Upvote so this is the first thing that appears on Google when you search Rapist 170 words TFW all your hopes and dreams are crushed at 3AM. Condolences to the_gullible. 298 words You cannot make this shit up. Trump just tweeted to look up Alicia Machado's sex tape! 1,128 words I couldn't put up with his shitposting any more. 218 words Is anyone else legit terrified? 665 words Reminder: No presidential candidate has ever told more lies than Trump. 189 words Reddit Provides Independent Verification of Clinton IT Guy's Email Deletion Story: Dec 10 post on reddit is evidence backing story of a December email retention policy change that the IT guy forgot about until March 712 words Today's Doonesbury, spot on. 353 words ADVICE TO CLINTON: Release one pap smear result and Trump campaign will say your health is a non-issue. 202 words Hi Trump supporters of /r/all! Tired of being thought of as an idiot? Tired of commanding no intellectual respect? Tired of losing by double digits in every poll? Have I got a solution for you! Give the library a chance! Here's hoping the picture of it won't trigger you. 489 words Lebanese Christian man killed by racist neighbor who attacked his family for years as cops looked other way 270 words <--- Number of people who initially thought r/The_Donald was satire mocking actual Trump supporters. 230 words "Women destroy countries" The_Donald is a hate group: Day 31 528 words I disavow Donald Trump 515 words It looks like /r/the_donald is trying to cleanse the subreddit of their most hateful users to put on a front for Donald Trump's AMA. 174 words Debunking Myths about Islam 244 words /r/The_Donald is literally using a picture of a dead child from the recent attack in France to make a shitpost. Shameful. 283 words Daily Reminder that Trump Tweeted Out Fake Statistics About Black People 263 words House Benghazi Report Finds No New Evidence of Wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton 297 words "Would you like to say anything to your supporters on wether or not they should vote for Donald Trump?", Sanders: "My supporters are smart enough to know that we do not want a bigot to become president of the United States"