"Would you like to say anything to your supporters on wether or not they should vote for Donald Trump?", Sanders: "My supporters are smart enough to know that we do not want a bigot to become president of the United States"

You people need to stop talking down to s4p if you want the rest to get on board. They still hold valid points and don't think just because they want sanders they would never vote trump. Hell right now the dems won't get behind single payer health care. But yet trump is for it. Health care was what put sanders on the map as a politician. So do the math if most people wanted that and dems won't get behind it. But trump will they might pick trump.

I hope this doesn't get me banned as I love this sub and hate trump. But let's not ignore the things s4p is representing. If it wasn't for that campaign Hillary wouldn't be saying 15 dollar minimum wage. Which she might go back on her word if sanders were to go away. Hillary has my vote for one sheer reason. She acknowledges climate change. While trump says it's made up by China. That's my reasoning for picking Hillary. But I'm not to happy about the vote considering Hilary's past with fracking. So the more Hilary supporters talk down to sanders people the more I hate voting for Hillary. Someone else in this thread said many sanders supporters switched over but are not very vocal on Reddit about it. That is because we aren't to happy about it. But we know what is best for the country.

I am one of those people still subscribed to s4p. But am also subscribed here because I have to move on and just hope Bernies message stays strong. And this message isn't directly targeting at you. I have seen a lot of Bernie bro bashing in this sub and it's only pushing the people we need to get on board away.

/r/EnoughTrumpSpam Thread Parent Link - streamable.com