164 words “The skill that I see in great filmmakers, I now see in Kojima-san’s work." - 'Mad Max' Director George Miller on 'Death Stranding' 129 words EA pretty much confirms that they are coming back to Steam 283 words Playtester's thoughts on Project A (Riot Games New FPS Tactical) 148 words Borderlands 3 – Bloody Harvest Event Trailer 288 words US Sen. Wyden, AOC, Rubio, Gallagher and Malinowski pen letter to Blizzard CEO Robert Kotick condemning the company's decision to ban a professional Hearthstone player for voicing support for the Hong Kong protests. 141 words Ghost Recon Breakpoint - Zero Punctuation 147 words Ghost Recon Breakpoint - Zero Punctuation 120 words Hidetaka Miyazaki states that his favorite game he worked on is Bloodborne - and adds that making Bloodborne 2 is not up to him 140 words Is it ever too late to get into a certain MMORPG? Are there MMORPG's that are just not feasible to join in 2019? 175 words Union Busting at Ustwo games 144 words Dontnod: "If we didn't talk about politics, that would be a political message" 131 words Kotaku: Cube World Wasn't Worth The Wait 227 words Sajam: A Measured Response Against Fighting Game Difficulty Misconceptions 251 words It's crazy to think we're nearing a "Best Game of the Decade" list. What 2010's game is your favorite? 201 words Infinity: Battlescape is now in Steam early access! 298 words ESA proposes rebranding E3 2020 as "fan, media, and influencer festival" in leaked document 197 words Fixing The Blur in Link's Awakening 130 words Pokemon GO just saw its best month since 2016. SuperData: Niantic's deluge of summer events helped the game gross $176 million in August 123 words Batman: Arkham Collection (3 games) and LEGO Batman Trilogy (3 games) now free on EGS 168 words The state of the Epic Games Store now