117 words What does gender identity even mean? 124 words Pornstar tells us exactly what we already know "we lie to you" 1,067 words New here...but being called transphobic by my kid who thinks he’s a girl 169 words Britain’s first transgender family reveals son, 5, is also transitioning 305 words Weekly Open Thread: Chat, advice, personal stories, activism reports, questions, concerns, etc 228 words Rant: Tired of Debating Men 152 words How To Be A Nonbinary Using Tattoos And Earrings And Piercings 147 words First baby born after uterus transplanted from deceased donor 153 words Spin-off: Aggressive blaming of the USA for non-us countries appropriation of US social issues and culture 147 words Not lesbian enough for liking butch women? 447 words What do you guys think is most wrong in the current state of humanity? 305 words Gay sauna criticised after telling transgender man (TIF) to leave 145 words Banned from r/news. Just read their message. REDDIT r/news claiming that "women do not have penises" is "transphohic" 125 words Husband angry I took his clip after he pulled out, brandished, and fired a firearm during a discussion. 3 feet to my left. (And he can't fire for shit. Worst aim ever.) Shrapnel cut my leg. 121 words r/news Failing to Name The Problem. (Claim it's "bad people.") 155 words When it's porn it's okay 126 words If men believe in things like the Coolidge effect, then why are they also the ones who enforce monogomy? 205 words Women that hunt...? 232 words Why isn't it considered more normal to medicate excessive an sex drive? 118 words Radical Feminist Take on BDSM?