283 words fxyo's statement regarding ban 399 words With Valve and ESEA continuing with iBP's bans, FaceIt should pull a huge publicity stunt and allow them to play in the regular season. 288 words Roca doesn't need to reload 809 words To the people complaining about their recent deranking, do you not agree that the refined distribution of players across ranks is far better? Or do you just not understand why mass deranking is necessary to achieve this? 332 words Tips on CS 1,455 words Thoughts on azk and an eulogy on his career 427 words Those of you who agree with the rifle changes 470 words Dont whine on here, send an email to ValvE. Worked with steam mods, why not now? 336 words Professional players need to speak out about Valve changing core mechanics without testing. 356 words [E25] By The Numbers: CS:GO with Richard Lewis and Thorin | Alphadraft Podcast Episode 25 284 words Richard Lewis "initiated physical contact". Also banned from working with Dreamhack. 910 words Overwatch Sunday (29th of November, 2015) 317 words Luminosity refuses to shake hands with Liquid 320 words I am Pimp, a CSGO professionel since the game launched. I've played CS since 2008 and I've been competetive since 2011. Now former Team Dignitas player - AMA 534 words Sadokist is probably the best play-by-play caster right now 544 words Steel's Thoughts: Being good at CS is genetic 318 words Moe & Steel Postgame Interview 441 words Tips on ranking up 340 words You wouldn't put an NBA player in a competitive middle school basketball game, so why are we accepting that smurfing isn't griefing? 369 words Do Valve devs communicate with the public enough?