With Valve and ESEA continuing with iBP's bans, FaceIt should pull a huge publicity stunt and allow them to play in the regular season.


When you alter the results for money in any other sport in the world you go to prison.

Yes, you are right... in any other sport. I really wish people like you would stop comparing this to "real" professional sports. There is explicit regulations and stipulations mandated through contracts far and wide that are so finely brushed with a comb. CS:GO is literally in its infancy and to foster that fact from the consequences from a professional sport that has been/ will be around for centuries is asinine. If CS:GO were to even begin to be compared with mirroring actions from "real" professional sports, I implore Valve to consider scrutinizing their various discrepancies and take proper action.

They were lucky that CS was young enough that they never had to face criminal charges over this affair. Lifetime ban is a light punishment for them.

Criminal charges? How about the criminal charges Valve would be faced with considering their unregulated gambling side-show. "Well, AlmightyBeard, skins aren't recognized as money so sites like CSGL aren't under protocol of gambling restrictions and regulations." Right, so when we're talking about the match that was fixed, they threw for money, but when we talk about the gambling sites all of sudden they're not money. Again, goes hand in hand with getting their shit together if they want to be a representation of "real" sports.

If they were a tier 4 team there would be no campaign for them. Shit there is no campaign for epsilon. The fact that they were good just makes the whole ting worse. They knew they were going to get paid big time and yet they still pulled the stunt.

Do you even think of what you're typing or do you just mindlessly slam your fingers on the keyboard? The reason people are upset over it is because they like them. They like them because they watch them. They are able to watch them because they're popular, they're popular because they're good. See where I'm getting at? If they were tier 4 nobody would even know who the fuck they were even if they did want to give a shit. That entire portion of your argument is irrelevant.

They knew they were going to get paid big time and yet they still pulled the stunt.

Wow something you said that is factual and not useless.

/r/GlobalOffensive Thread Parent