111 words [Censorship] Instagram and Facebook Ban Far-Right Extremists (Alex Jones, Milo, Laura Loomer, Paul Joseph Watson, Farrakhan, etc) 1,427 words [CENSORSHIP]Nick Monroe confirms that the New Zealand government is now attempting to censor and memory hole the NZ shooting videos. ISPs are blocking access to certain sites, including Dissenter, which had nothing to do with the shooting. 415 words YouTube’s Discriminatory New Policies are Silencing the Voices of the Disabled (Censorship) 169 words [SocJus] Alina Polianskaya / Design Week - "Are video games inherently sexist? Designers and game makers discuss" 172 words SJWs Ruin Everything- George Washington University Edition 138 words Regarding recent events and the self-post rule 182 words [Opinion] Kukuruyo: " Some people are able to think that "gamer" is anyone who has played a game once but at the same time all gamers are evil right wing racist sexist homophobes, without realizing the scope of what they're saying" 209 words Ian Miles Chung: "Snakes and Ladders" (via Andy Warski), an introspective on an SJW turned anti-SJW turned SJW 245 words Vic Mignogna is being accused of assault. 1,639 words What even is gamergate? Why do people care? 217 words Gaming "Journalist" sites 157 words GAB has been banned from Coinbase (Crypto to Fiat exchange) 226 words [Opinion] ‘Anything you’ve ever said will be used against you’ - Spiked interview with Sargon 113 words Polygon actually managed to put Fallout 76 and WoW BFA in their Best PC Games of 2018 list 150 words Patreon's hate speech policy double standard exposed 137 words Person thinks a software abbreviation is misogynistic because...erm 112 words Kotaku: Steam Is Banning Sex Games With Young-Looking Characters 139 words Neil deGrasse Tyson #metoo'ed 126 words How are SJWs still complaining about straight white male privilege even though 125 words Classic Disney Films Now Promote ‘Sexist’ Messaging According To Feminists