199 words Buying a house costs a lot more than you think. 357 words Really just don't know what to do about money/life, almost 40, trying to grow/glow up but totally lost as to what that process looks like or how to plan. 126 words Just got a cleaning and scaling at a dental hygienist college for $20. 137 words Dad owns the house I live in, but doesn't live here, what rights do we have if he tries to move back in? 262 words Show me your friends and I'll show you your future. 180 words How much do you make per year? 124 words Just a Holiday reminder 125 words The only part of Christmas I enjoy anymore is coordinating my works adopt a family. Here's to another successful collection. 255 words Can't Afford Happiness 123 words I can’t go back to college until I pay back the massive amount of debt but I can’t make enough money to do that since I don’t have any skills. Is this a circle I’ll be stuck in forever? 203 words Those that have managed or are almost managing to dig themselves out of the circle of povery - how do you manage your loved ones, who haven't? 145 words Constant grinding can turn an iron rail into a needle. 140 words Lease or own a vehicle 102 words Does the Obamacare "family glitch" affect unmarried couples? 183 words What I keep chanting to myself bagging groceries making less than my friends on unemployment... 169 words Ever notice people get treated better when they are rich? 285 words I’m guessing this is the right place. I really would love to hear some opinions on this. 131 words LPT: Order groceries through Walmart for pick up (it's free) and order store brand items. Whenever they are out of stock you will automatically get upgraded (for free) to name brand items. 153 words Credit Score up 212 Points in 1yr 560 words How did you learn how to manage your money?