440 words Quality post about how america is so large and has so many different cultures 358 words I thought blackmail and things like that are what M15 [sic] and other intel agencies were supposed to do for info and other things. It's fucked up of course but no surprise. 272 words I thought blackmail and things like that are what M15 [sic] and other intel agencies were supposed to do for info and other things. It's fucked up of course but no surprise. 301 words I thought blackmail and things like that are what M15 [sic] and other intel agencies were supposed to do for info and other things. It's fucked up of course but no surprise. 295 words I thought blackmail and things like that are what M15 [sic] and other intel agencies were supposed to do for info and other things. It's fucked up of course but no surprise. 317 words On a discussion condeming the good slave owner trope, a user adds sarcastically: "You guys are right. Fuck those vicious slave owners like Thomas Jefferson and the rest of our founding fathers. Damned slave owners all of them." 291 words "Luckily, the US is a very, very diverse place and you could move to an entirely different culture without leaving it." 422 words Kentucky: Our Same-Sex Marriage Ban Isn't Anti-Gay Because It Applies To Straight People, Too - Huffington Post 562 words Court orders a child's circumcision on the father's wishes despite both mother and child opposing the procedure 400 words [...] the US is vastly different depending on where you go. So while it might not feel "exotic" to some, you are basically receiving a similar experience as one would if they traveled across Europe. 322 words [...] the US is vastly different depending on where you go. So while it might not feel "exotic" to some, you are basically receiving a similar experience as one would if they traveled across Europe. 743 words "America may have some problems, but it's our home, our team, and if you don't want to root for your team then you should get the hell out of the stadium." 381 words "Now, America has its flaws. Perhaps one of them is to keep bailing out Europe every time it stops defense spending in the name of peace and gets mauled by others." 651 words Non-americans of Reddit, what American customs seem outrageous/pointless to you? • /r/AskReddit - this is why I think everyone is American until proven otherwise, and why america is so big 640 words I'm Yugoslavian...help me! (American looking for his heritage and identity)