I thought blackmail and things like that are what M15 [sic] and other intel agencies were supposed to do for info and other things. It's fucked up of course but no surprise.

I'm not a journalist, wtf? Who do you think you're talking to? I'm not writing a news article here. You need meds or something because you come across as a fucking mental patient in this thread.

People knew all about collusion in The Troubles for years. Everyone in Ireland has known this for years. It isn't just suddenly widely believed because it's in a tabloid newspapers. Fuck, if everyone waited for the Independent to report something to believe it nothing but ever be exposed. The fact the articles exist and are full of references to people that knew about all these things is proof people knew about it for years. You're really going off the rails here and I quick look at your user history tells me you get into massive arguments in /r/adviceanimals of all places too, like some kind of smug child.

Besides all that wikipedia can be edited to reflect facts as they develop and require sources or at least states it's unsourced, something that isn't true about newspapers.

Go into /r/askUK or any British sub and ask them if they were surprised about the child abuse cover ups by MI5, I'm pretty confident no one or at least very few would be surprised. A significant amount already knew or suspected this shit and even fewer would be surprised. Go ask people yourself or read the fucking wikipedia sources if you're so interested you smug pretentious fuck. They're right there, you could have read them in the time it took you to write your dismissive bullshit reply.

And it's also worth pointing out that asking for proof of something like that is fucking ridiculous. What kind of pointless shit is that to argue about? Who gets that mad that they want to argue about complete non-points.

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