149 words iOS Update is Live 121 words Are rare Pokémon too rare? 127 words Am I the only one not evolving anything because of Community Day, I don’t even have a Swampert yet. I’m not evolving anything not even a Whismur anymore, this is the new Meta! 184 words Soak Up Special Bonuses during Water Festival 2018! 127 words Thematically, a set of Special Research quests to unlock full IV details from appraisal would work well. 125 words Bulbasaur 100% IV CP Chart for the community day 155 words [Request] Allow us to have trainer types/titles 233 words Anybody else feeling left out from their local group? 140 words Maximizing amount of Dratini catches 248 words 10km Eggs and Raid provocation rumors 202 words Please help save my marriage! 285 words Multiple DEVICES are explicitly allowed (multiple ACCOUNTS are explicitly forbidden) 162 words Niantic's brilliant strategy to compensate for the lack of stardust and candy 254 words What would be the disadvantage to more numerous and frequent Ex-Raids? 172 words How Many of your mons are not fully healed/fainted? 595 words How every ability could work in PoGo: Mr. Mime-Deoxys (Final List) (Also Cubone Line because I forgot one last time) 209 words [BUG] Still experiencing the 2-item Pokestop problem? Let's troubleshoot together 172 words Level 5 raids= Pokemon Go Easy Mode. 193 words Is it so game breaking to guarantee an egg drop? 210 words I just learned that Acid was removed from Weezing, which leaves Weezing without a STAB fast move.