255 words The Silph Research Group can confirm that the standard lucky trade rate of 5% was used up until the start of the event for Pokémon less than one year old, and has NOT been increased as of 24 hours into the event. 148 words Weather needs a big update! If this isn’t foggy weather, I don’t know what is! How would you update/fix the weather feature? 137 words Can we talk about egg management? 131 words Half Egg Distance is Back 169 words The Next 5K Buddy Community Day After Trapinch 166 words What Legacy Pokémon should I be keeping and what ones are safe to dump 172 words Lapras Quest Epitomises Where We Are At With Shiny Pokemon 380 words On average, it takes almost 22 minutes out of my limited play time to distribute gifts to friends every single day. This is way too long. 174 words March 19th Gift Egg Rarity Changes (Silph Research Group) 191 words Niantic Support indicates Smeargol only appears in the first photo of a “sessions” 211 words Why can't we use a TM on our Evolved Mons during the December CD (3 day event) ? 142 words The Fall 2018 Rebalance: Winner and Losers (GamePress) 136 words Everything we know about Adventure Sync (from our Silph Research Group): FAQ's, help steps, and finally an accurate summary of weekly fitness goal rewards! 187 words What’s the likelihood of a storage expansion before community day? 215 words It's time Pokemon 'boxes' were introduced 278 words [THEORY] Possible Meltan ability theory 623 words Optimal pinap usage to maximize expected number of candies from mewtwo raid boss with new catch rate 156 words Traveling to Japan, some questions for people who have gone or for those that live there 120 words This is to confirm that nickname trick won't work with shiny when already used. 196 words Unpopular Opinion - Teams should only have one copy of a Pokemon.