Niantic's brilliant strategy to compensate for the lack of stardust and candy

I was considering making a new thread to ask people how they feel about the the weather system being kind of a lite-version of quests, but I'll put that here. One of the big rewards people wanted from a quest system was a bit of stardust, and usually the big quest people wanted to see was "catch X amount of Y type Pokemon". Now we're getting that extra stardust based on catching certain types of Pokeman, while also being incentivized to catch them due to them being higher levels while slightly higher IVs than usual. I know people also asked about having quests like "attack X amount of gyms" and "walk X KM", but the damage boosts certain Pokemon get while attacking gyms helps the gym part (although it would be nice to get stardust for attacking), and the weather system encouraging people to walk around and catch things helps the walking quest (on top of eggs and buddies already incentivizing walking).

/r/TheSilphRoad Thread