Anybody else feeling left out from their local group?

I wish I could go back to being alone. I'm really shy but the most people I met trough Pokemon GO like me and I always had nice little conversations with them when we met at raids.

In the summer last year I created a team Mystic group with a friend and a stranger we met in the "PokéWald" (a forest with ~20 stops, it's the hotspot for every player in a 20km radius). Months later when the group grew bigger we had a funny group meeting and I met the girlfriend of the stranger I met in the forest for the first time. We three became really fast best friends and spent every day of the summer together and even went together on holiday.

Now we are still friends but they don't want to spend much time with me anymore. At most one time per week. I never had people I would call best friends before in my life and it was a really nice time, but before I met them I was independent and no one could ever hurt me but anyway I had fun with people too. Now it's only painful for me and I wish I could go back to the day when I met him and stop me asking him if he wants to create a team Mystic group. It would save me from hanving many painful hours.

/r/TheSilphRoad Thread