196 words We are all Antifa on this blessed day 118 words JoeRogan users claim they're not Nazis. Also: "Awww look at the TopMinds tranny, he thinks he’s people." 217 words Just, you know, reminding people to kill other citizens 130 words 'Tankies' (socialists who think the USSR did nothing wrong) have come out of the woodwork on the socialist subreddit /r/BreadTube again. Here are some standout big brain takes 191 words Top Minds believe that no longer watching porn is their rite-of-passage into manhood which is "probably one of the hardest rites of passage of any society, every." 130 words Who really needs reparations here? Black people who got an all expenses paid cruise to America, or white people who got kidnapped and forced to live in a shithole Muslim country? 587 words Impressive, trying to prove a flat earth, while shooting against feminism. That's some serious multitasking. 302 words Top Minds of r/Conservative discuss Ben Shapiro calling out the alt right. It goes pretty much how you'd expect. Bonus content inside 184 words Totally 100% American and Not Russian Top Mind accidentally starts using "MSN" instead of "MSM" ...but never misses a beat! 113 words Top Minds are now owning the libs by paying $15 for a small pack of cheap markers. I am pretty sure Trump has finally figured out what 'meme magic' really means: turning his supporter's idiocy into real money. 119 words "America could literally declare war on the world tomorrow and nobody could stand up to us." 174 words TopMinds think white men are losing "ground and equality" 174 words Reddit admins have just removed a defamatory shitpost by Top Mod axolotl_peyotl. LOL! 134 words r/progun confuses owning knives in your home for cooking and carrying lethal weapons through the streets (sometimes arrestable in UK). Also thinks that the UK parliament spies on our social media? 396 words Top Mind gold medal gymnastics winner: "There’s not much difference between socialism and communism on purpose. It’s meant to lead to communism." 145 words /r/unpopularopinion posts its daily Nazi Support Group thread 229 words Top Mind of /r/RoastMe Gets Removed As A Mod For Stickying A Needlessly Transphobic Comment Then Complains On /r/WatchRedditDie 205 words ‘Liberal here’ with a username mocking liberals and a post history showing support for Donald Trump and anti-abortion threads. 130 words Top libertarian minds don't understand the concept of a minimum wage 142 words Right-wing whacko shoots up Dallas fed building. Top Conspos know it's a false flag. Why? Because it's TOO obvious that they gave him a posting history of Confederate, Chan, and Qult lines, and they have TOO many quality videos and photos documenting the attack