Top Mind of /r/RoastMe Gets Removed As A Mod For Stickying A Needlessly Transphobic Comment Then Complains On /r/WatchRedditDie

Question for all of you.

Is it not acceptable to criticize people’s life choices without being a bad person anymore? If someone I know is morbidly obese (500+ lbs) and consumes nothing but candy and soda and ice cream, am I a bad person for being disapproving? I think a lot of people will feel similarly that it’s okay to disapprove of that person’s eating habits.

What about someone with a very obsessive porn addiction—Is it okay to criticize them? I’m not sure because it’s sexual, and it seems that if you criticize someone’s sexual behavior it is bigotry. For example if you criticized a biological man who undergoes a sex change, enjoys having sex with men, and identifies as a woman, then you are transphobic.

Personally I vote for trans rights and gay rights and I really don’t care what people do with their penises or what women want to do with their vaginas. But question is as to whether is it okay to think certain things are gross, or is that not okay?

I wonder if I’ll get banned just for asking a question such as this. And that’s part of my Question. Is it literally against the rules to have a belief that is not in line with the left-wing status quo if it comes to sexuality?

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