117 words Top minds of TD has a HOT TAKE on the state of diversity in blockbuster movies 833 words "the jews shot first" according to t_d 127 words Top mind compares being a different race to being a different species 126 words Top Minds at The Donald think you should have to join the military in order to get an affordable education 119 words TMs treat "if you like your healthcare you can keep it" as the biggest lie in the history of the nation, but inadvertently point out that it was not a lie when they want to demean poor people 114 words Normal sub taking pictures of young girls for some reason 173 words Monday morning Creative Writing exercise 127 words Totally not racist 118 words Holy shit. Top minds in r/Conservative arguing that we should segregate the right to vote to people who don't agree with them 304 words The most popular post on The_Donald regarding the New Zealand terrorist attack is a post about 40 Christians being killed in Nigeria in 15 February 2019. 131 Muslims were killed in Nigeria in 26 February 2019. I got banned for pointing this out. 170 words Currently sitting at +1148 on TD. "The NZ attack was bad *wink*, but actually he was completely justified." 141 words TFW /r/Conservative complains about racism against white people so much they actually show up as the top result when you search "racist" in the search bar 139 words Top mind mod of r/TraditionalCatholics: “All gays should be put to death”. Then proceeds to whine about people being intolerant of his opinion, and complains about “rude DMs”. 153 words T_D hilariously upvotes literal (hilarious) satire by a left-wing cartoonist about what conservatives believe college campuses are like 150 words Doubling the minimum wage would lower the minimum wage earners purchasing power and in order to help the poor the minimum wage should be $0 an hour. 184 words Top 12 year old minds circle jerk on the “fact” that hitler was socialist 123 words Top Mind savagely annihilates my argument with the shocking revelation that I own a phone. 114 words The best part about T_D is whenever they try to praise the American military during WW2 the comments immediately devolve into Nazi propaganda. Liberals are the real Nazis btw. 113 words Top minds of r/conservative keep the sub clean by banning people who ask for sources. 164 words Reddit User Notch (yes he has one) knows the truth about, ((((them))))