362 words I have done some bad things that I may have to Confess 914 words Question on Mormons. 707 words [Christians only] You are justified by works 346 words What are some Bible Verses that always get taken out of context? 349 words How many twisted portraits of Christianity and Christians can you think of in our entertainment? 422 words How many twisted portraits of Christianity and Christians can you think of in our entertainment? 314 words An objective standard of morality 455 words [Spiritual Christians] Is my radical understanding of the Trinity unBiblical in any way? 289 words What are your thoughts on Women being pastors at Church? 310 words To follow the Sabbath or the Lord's Day? 324 words [Prayer Request] Why most would never expect that there is a LORD God 374 words How did you meet/court your spouse? [Christians Only] 379 words Doubt, how do you deal with it? 572 words Christians of /r/TrueChristian, have you ever had a moment where your faith in God was extremely weak, or even nonexistent? 369 words It's that time again, mod applications are open! 420 words I watch porn a lot and I think it's hardened my heart and I'm numb to feeling guilt. Is this willfully sinning and am I doomed? 411 words [Christians only] Help, struggling with anxiety, doubt, and God's promises 325 words What is modalism? 666 words My seminary professor committed suicide last week because his name was found on the Ashley Madison list. Yet, he left behind a wonderful legacy. 365 words I’m a Struggling Christian in an Increasingly Secular World and I Just Found this Subreddit!