131 words Co-Worker wants to cast a “good” spell on me 511 words There’s a very hateful group in my town claiming to be Christians 149 words [seeking serious answers] Why do Protestants, and non-denominationists, think that most Christians in throughout the entire Church history we’re wrong? Up until 1500s, to be a Christian was to be in the one Christian Church and accept the traditional teachings and interpretations of the Bible. 181 words Were you always Christian, or did you have a moment of sudden change/realization later on in your life? 113 words Thoughts on the morning after pill? 245 words Would God ask you to destroy your parents Buddha statue? 188 words Would God ask you to destroy your parents Buddha statue? 154 words How can Protestantism be defended from a purely historical basis? When did things “go wrong” for Christendom? 855 words Did Moses believe in and worship the Trinity? 345 words Brothers and sisters in Christ, please forgive me of spreading false doctrine(works based doctrine) 131 words American friends: what does the term ‘Sunday School’ mean for you? 143 words Stop trying to fight the sin that was already won on the cross. God is for you! 115 words I am truly shocked and angry that more Christians do not see the burning of Notre Dame as a sign. 895 words No, Jesus cannot come back "at any moment." 132 words I’ve strayed from God and am struggling to come back 156 words Am I Wrong for Not Wanting Kids? 171 words Pray for me, please. 137 words Am I in the wrong? 168 words What is your take on this verse? Luke 14:26 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple. 416 words Why Christians Observe the Sabbath