212 words For the Khagan, for he is wise 154 words He’s a little messy, but he’s mine. Just because you like football doesn’t mean you can’t like plastic crack 173 words Clarification for Defence Line rules 160 words Pretty new to the hobby, and looking for some C&C to improve. One of my first paints (ignore the base) 135 words The best acrylic paint brushes for mini wargamers? 251 words Unofficial Primaris Centurions 175 words To those saying the GW post wasn’t necessary, here is a prominent 40k youtuber in his discord. This person could be someone’s intro to 40k 693 words What would a new Primarch bring to the table? (Literally). 129 words I finally did it! Ultramarines Second Company. Fully Codex Compliant. 100 line infantry and 7 man Command Squad. I’ve been waiting a long time to see this come together. 412 words Carcharodons as Blood Angels? 135 words New Goliath models 136 words The new owner of Astartes channel admits to buying the hacked account. And then deletes the post after being called out for his stupidity. 132 words After tabling his 12th opponent within 3 turns , the space marine player uses his "I had no idea the codex was that good" routine : 168 words Is it really looking that bad ? Cause if it does I ain’t buying it 347 words The Creators of the Viral Fan Film "Astartes" just released more details on their Retributors Chapter of Space Marines 164 words Please elaborate on Shadowspear's new units 109 words Adeptus Astartes anatomy study, V2 198 words Help a clueless wife find great paints! 147 words First time in Europe. Made an important stop in Brussels 156 words They’re all wearing little panties