477 words [WP] The heroes nearly won with the “Friendship is power” trope, but lost because the villains did that trope but better. 1,481 words [WP] Time freezes around you. Once a year has passed, it unfreezes. All around the world is gripped by mass hysteria of the messages you left. 1,137 words [WP] Interstellar wars are quick, most species die of shock quite quickly. Getting shot was a death sentence. That was until humans joined the Galaxy... 757 words [WP] This is a test post. 268 words [WP] Years ago, you commented "I would do anything for Pablo" on a picture of a cute dog named Pablo. Today there was a knock on your door. "Are you ready?" They ask. "Pablo needs your help." 543 words [WP] "Sometimes I miss you, you know." - She said. 507 words [TT] Theme Thursday - Mirrors 440 words [SP] an MMO's NPC AI's have risen up in rebellion 136 words [WP] In a dispute to settle who the superior species is, a robot/human Olympics is held in which the loser is forced into self-exile off of the planet. 406 words [WP] You sit on the edge of your child's bed as the beg you for just one more story before they sleep. You know the one the want, it's the same every night - why humans left earth. You glance out the window to where Earth was visible in the sky. 416 words [WP] The genie says you can have whatever you want; riches, power even eternal life. Instead, your wish is to be able to sing. This time you are really going to show Simon Cowell. 196 words [PM] They say that practice makes perfect, so why not write some more? 1,269 words [WP]The Suit is powerfull. A mech for some, body armor for others, always unique to each person who wore it. Those who wear it, hear the words "not original user, booting basic mode" As a joke, your sergeant gives you The Suit and the first thing you hear is: "User detected: Welcome back, Commander" 168 words [WP] There exists two parallel worlds: One in which Humankind developed through technology, the other in which Humankind developed through magic. Now, a traveller from one world just arrived on the other. 815 words [WP] With her loyal knight kidnapped by the dragon, the Princess rode forth to rescue him. 557 words [WP] Everyone can see the ghosts of people they've had an indirect effect in killing. For most people, it's normal to see a ghost or two from the occasional car accident. You on the other hand, can see hundreds of thousands walking around and have no explanation as to why. 341 words [WP]In the future, the dying earth manages to build and launch a single interstellar ship, towards the one distant planet that could support human life. Years later when the ship has passed the no-return point, it becomes clear it'll never reach the planet, due to disrepair and failing equipment. 571 words [WP] In high school you take a yearly test that gauges how much you’ve contributed to society. As of senior year, if failed to meet minimum, you are to die. You are expected to fail this year again and everyone knows but as you step up to take your test... 217 words [WP] you applied for the first Mars mission but didnt get in. one day one of the astronauts in that mission pulls out "for family reasons" and you get in. while going to thank him he pulls you close and whispers "they threatened my family. I saw something I wasn't suppose to. don't trust them" 356 words [WP] It's time for you testify to Congress about your new invention that can erase memories. The problem is, you have no idea what they are talking about.