[WP] In high school you take a yearly test that gauges how much you’ve contributed to society. As of senior year, if failed to meet minimum, you are to die. You are expected to fail this year again and everyone knows but as you step up to take your test...

"This is your graduation day. Do you know your fate?"

"Yes, and you can wipe that superior, smug look off your face."

"You still..."

"You can shut up too."

"Why you little insignificant punk! You have never amounted to anything and you never will! I had ten times the minimum! ..."

"And what have you done with it? How have you bettered society since? You have terrorized every student you have ever dealt with. You have broken the spirit of every child you came in contact with. You have taken the vibrant who would have rejuvenated our entire society, improving it a million times over the minimum, and turned them into drones.

Lifeless, sterile, useless, drones.

People who could have had happy lives, improving society continuously, will now do nothing, believing that they have already done all they need do.

You took your measly ten times minimum and destroyed trillions.

No more. Your fate has arrived."

I draw the .45 I brought in, everyone thinking I was going to dramatically kill myself with, and shoot the stunned principal between the eyes.

"I now ask the impartial judges to decide whether what I have done is an improvement to society. Knowing full well that their lives now hang in the balance.

I have six rounds left.

There are seven of you.

All but one of you have blindly rubber stamped the principal's decisions. Now you have to make your own judgement, on your own conscience, and accept the consequences.

You will be permitted to argue your case before sentence is executed.

Be eloquent, your own lives are at stake."


"Just breaking! A student has murdered his principal in cold blood!"

Off camera: "Shut up. It isn't murder when you're defending your own life." BANG! "This miserable weevil has destroyed more lives by exaggerating every incident. The directors and producers who went along with this for ratings are being confronted now."


"In the national news tonight... Oh this is a crock of shit! I freely admit that I have read a lot of conformist crap over the years, but nothing like this ... Those people are simply doing what should have been done decades ago!"


Off camera: "The next weevil who tries to cut this broadcast will get the same. ... Carry on with your statement, no one else is going to interfere."


C-SPAN: "And in summation, these criminals must be brought to justice. People who don't show an ability to improve society should not be allowed to live long enough to do damage to it!"

"Then justify your life congressman. Prove that you have been a net positive in your life. You have voted time and again for the most repressive laws imaginable. No few of those laws passed by one vote. Your actions have caused incalculable harm to society. Do you have anything to say?"

"I stand by my actions. I will not turn from them simply because some lone madman with a gun is threatening my life."

"Is that your Defense?"


"While your bravery does you credit, your intransigence does not. You know full well what your actions have wrought, and you did it for personal power, not the betterment of society.

Have you anything else to say?"

"I resign from Congress. Is that what you want? Loser! Insignificant little worm! How dare you!"


"If the ushers will please remove the offal, we have a long night ahead of us. NEXT!"

/r/WritingPrompts Thread