[PM] They say that practice makes perfect, so why not write some more?

You are not going to guess whats in store!

I wake up, yawning one last time before getting up and reaching under my bed to get my clothes from yesterday to wear them a second time. I get dressed and head downstairs.

  "morning hun!" my mother calls out as i walk the last couple of stairs "morning" i answer, hopping onto the couch next to my mom to see what she is doing. 

"you woke up late, you should go wait for the bus" she said, turning to look at me "oh! I did?" i answer, surprised because i put my alarm on for sure!

Getting out of the front door getting greeted by a cream colored finnish lapphund:Miska, my adorable pupper.

I dash into the forest next to my house, hurried to find the right spot. "Aha! Found you!" i said, stepping into a clearing. I shined as i turned into a fox and crawled into the small hole in the roots of the tree that was standing in the clearing.

At school i get greeted by my two best friends and we head into the magical building surrounded by magical children having fun.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread