272 words /r/asianamerican Weekly Banter - December 14, 2018 147 words Yellow fever: cure needed, say Asian victims of sex prejudice 169 words /r/asianamerican Weekly Banter - October 26, 2018 109 words Why aren't we talking about the fact that this Harvard case is being spearheaded by Edward Blum, a white conservative who was also responsible for getting Fisher v. UT to court? 1,556 words Why Does Japan Make It So Hard for Working Women to Succeed? 150 words The Case of Jane Doe Ponytail 145 words Keep getting bullied and made fun of over my nationality. Been going on for a while. Feel like it’s weighing me down. Any advice/help please? 135 words What do you guys consider to be asian? 215 words Is it just me or is there a disturbing amount of Asian Americans in or sympathetic to the alt right? 296 words Asian American 420blazeit folks out there? Drug friendly safe space. 177 words Making /r/AsianAmerican better: harassment, trolls and moving forward 1,042 words Eating Our Own: Deconstructing the Misogynistic Myths of Asian American Antifeminism 175 words From Jenny Yang's IG 198 words Two men sexually harass two Asian women on the subway using racist slurs after having stolen money from a donation jar. (Description and pictures inside.) 246 words /r/asianamerican Friday Banter - April 21, 2017 397 words Just realised white people don't enjoy being told they are privileged in western countries 401 words Any other mixed Asians out there (or mixed looking) who aren't considered attractive by others? 181 words My thoughts on #HyerMasculAZNs 167 words First episode of "Single By 30", Youtube Red series by Wong Fu Productions 434 words So I just read Fresh off the Boat...