159 words How can I understand the Conties? 122 words Distinction between consequentialism and deontology 243 words Why do nihilists get so much hate in philosopy forums? Is nihilism considered by many as “cheap philosophy”? 495 words The Tao says, “He who knows does not speak. He who speaks does not know.” Though Socrates praised the idea of “knowing nothing”. Should I aim to be a speaker who does not know? 182 words Why It's "Wrong" To Think With A Left Wing Or A Right Wing Political Ideology ? 120 words Kant’s Categorical Imperative Formulations 116 words Newbie question: what does the term "For all x ..." mean here? 473 words Is there a logical fallacy to the “finish your food, children are starving elsewhere” notion? 849 words Slavoj Zizek and Noam Chomsky are famous for having disagreements at pretty abstract levels, arguing both about the role of theory and practice in critical philosophy; AND each about the results of the other's discipline. Can somebody help to contextualize and explain these further to me? 141 words What would it take to make philosophy (+ logic and rhetoric) a core subject in public school curricula? 218 words Is it possible to come up with a 100% true premise? 390 words Is it ethical for me to vote if I believe the political system I live in is flawed? 197 words Philosophy of mind question: How is it possible that illusionism doesn't necessarily imply epiphenomenalism? 130 words Is there a phrase for someone who believes in every deity because there are other people who believe in them? 136 words How does Marx take into account Land in his LTV? 120 words Certainty, objectivity present when discussing a concept, for example in a philosophical dialogue or monologue? 555 words Is there a reason (aside from refuting a cosmological argument) to suspect the universe is a brute fact? 177 words Need help understanding Fear and Trembling by Kierkegaard. Is it more complex than it needs to be? Is there a reason philosophers write so verbosely? Am I too dumb? 148 words Is there any way to determine when to try help save someone mentally or give up on them? 270 words What are the best arguments in favor of metaphysical realism?