170 words I made a rug of my cat. I think it looks a little derpy but it looks pretty close for being a rug! 158 words I got a kitten today and I regret it and want to bring her back 119 words It won't stop meowing, I've fed it kittens milk, cleaned it's eyes, put it in a warm blanket, and made it pee, and it still won't stop meowing and always trying to leave the box, someone tell me what to do please. 192 words Kitty is loosing weight. Got any advice? 203 words Our lady was pretty calm while hiding in bomb shelter in Kyiv last night 348 words My 14y/o girl won’t eat. Does anyone know how I can get her to start eating again? 173 words Re-homing a queen breeding cat that sprays 123 words Someone found a cat at their barn, trapped it and now it is ours. It's scared and just hides all day, had it for about 4 days now. Any advice for speeding up the process? 133 words Testing the break 114 words Bf thinks she’s ugly. I think he has no idea about cats. What do you guys think? 176 words GUYS PLEASE HELP SHE'S NOT EATING AND NOT MOVING BUT SHE'S STILL STILL BREATHING please help what do I do i fed her alot and she pooped 190 words My son and his best friend. 144 words This is Peanut. He likes to sit like a human 217 words My little lady 314 words Anyone know what breed / mix this may be? Breeder said he’s a Persian but I think his face resembles more a British Shorthair or Siberian 227 words How do i make him stop biting me when i give him a treat? 121 words My lovely cat, he was hit by car two days ago and is gone. I just need someone to say and understand how beautiful and amazing he was. 197 words We had 6 cats... We now have 5. I don't think I've ever posted about Smokey, but, uh, here's an old photo of him being the perfect loaf... 10/31/18-12/28/20. 389 words Tuesday is a month since we put our sweet girl to sleep after a fight with stage 4 kidney failure. She was only 6. Life is so unfair sometimes. You're very missed, Ally. Our house is much too quiet without your chatty, happy personality. 299 words She's the most precious thing in my miserable life and I love her so much. And yes I'm drunk but damn I just love her and couldn't live without her