Anyone know what breed / mix this may be? Breeder said he’s a Persian but I think his face resembles more a British Shorthair or Siberian

A little more context in case it helps with determining the breed: - he’s quite playful and follows us around most of the time during the day. Will lie on our laptops or curl right beside us, go on our shoulders.. etc - Vocal when necessary - Craves affection and being touched a few times a day. Is fine with being picked up but also enjoys it’s independance - meaning he does not enjoy being held all the time or even touched. Still is very curious and always checks out what we’re up to.

I’m really not experienced with cats, this is the first one I have spent a significant amount of time with - just want to get to know him better and judge what breed a potential companion could be as a “best fit” given his type/ba A little more context in case it helps with determining the breed: - he’s quite playful and follows us around most of the time during the day. Will lie on our laptops or curl right beside us, go on our shoulders.. etc - Vocal when necessary - Craves affection and being touched a few times a day. Is fine with being picked up but also enjoys independance - meaning he does not enjoy being held all the time or touched. Still is very curious and always checks out what we’re up to. - Acquired in Thailand (may be easier to guess breed based on common ones in his this geography)

I don’t have much experience with cats, this is the first one I have spent significant time around and I just want to get to know him better. Also it would interesting to determine his breed to know more about his type/nature which would help decide on a potential companion that would be a good fit.

/r/cats Thread Link -