130 words CMV: The spike in today’s LGBT youth is less natual than I think we realize 131 words CMV: NATO should be restructured and expel some countries from being a member. 142 words CMV: on disassociating myself from politics. 206 words CMV: BLM Riots Were Worse Than The Capital Riot 149 words CMV: A person should not be able to be charged with a DUI or DWI unless you are actually driving. 159 words CMV: Field sobriety tests should not be up to the opinion of just an officer 133 words CMV: a positive step towards justice, in light of the mass graves discovered in Canada, would be to finally merge secular and catholic school boards in Ontario 166 words CMV: All dictatorships are illegitimate, so no invasion of a dictatorship is illegitimate 466 words CMV: Sometimes Domestic Violence Is Justified 129 words CMV: we should raise the minimum age to engage in sex work to 21. 905 words cmv: if you smoke weed daily and fail to stop you have a drug addiction. 113 words CMV: husbands/wives should let each other use their things IF there is no other reason to disallow them from using it except for "I bought it so it's mine" or "boundaries" 186 words CMV: husbands/wives should let each other use their things IF there is no other reason to disallow them from using it except for "I bought it so it's mine" or "boundaries" 256 words CMV: It is hypocritical to advocate for cancel culture and a rehabilitative justice system at the same time. 110 words CMV: Antivax doctors and nurses (and other licensed healthcare personnel) should lose their licenses. 172 words CMV: Instead of trying to avoid voter ID laws, we should instead try to improve access to IDs (in the U.S.) 540 words CMV: Chuck Schumer is the weakest Senate leader in recent history. 147 words CMV: Transgenderism is gender dysphoria which is a disorder. 121 words CMV: Organ Donation Should Be Automatic 135 words CMV: Any product that can be sold in paper/glass/metal packaging should required to be.