233 words I had a support group turn me away for being a male victim of rape. 134 words I have become that old person who thinks music teenagers listen to is trash/noise. 157 words All my success is from stealing from a Redditor. 163 words Sometimes it makes me so sad that antivaxxers would prefer their kids to die rather than turn out like me 132 words I found out my high school bully is dead and I'm ecstatic 140 words My GF said I am not affectionate enough, so now I treat her like my dog 128 words I dont feel bad for the USA because of the mass shootings 202 words I became a rapist four years ago. (Still kind of am one, but more on that later). And I feel like it’s justified. 322 words I'm an ""incel"" who'd never hurt women but do have violent urges against men who i see as "extra-ordinarily" successful with women 235 words I got revenge on my rapist and he committed suicide 154 words I have nothing to live for. 139 words It bothers me when people claim being overweight isn't unhealthy 223 words I used to be a rockstar and now I’m a middle-aged suburban cliche 170 words I envy those who believe in God. 276 words Fucking tired of my depressed boyfriend 337 words I'm a slutty whore because I have low self worth 157 words I'm schizophrenic. 157 words I'm an agnostic atheist and lash out at Christians who try to judge me/convince me that God is real, instead of praying for their fellow nonbeliever 119 words I think Reddit is too liberal 236 words I'm going to start purging tomorrow