436 words Entry Level Job After Dropping Out of PhD Program Offers Low-Ball Salary, Complicated by Circumstance. 481 words Had an interview with out of state job, tried to confirm and they said they've restructured, what now? 497 words Walked out of a job fair in Tokyo in tears. 327 words I have no idea what I am doing 470 words Why Millennials "don't care" about traditional workplace practices 744 words High-level coworker keeps asking me to complete menial, boring, simple tasks that are technically his job but he "does not have time for". How do I tell him no? 481 words Looking to get into the driving field, worried about drug screen after 2+ months clean. If I fail a drug test for one company, do other companies know about it? If I failed one, would they let me re-test at a later date? 306 words Applying for jobs after a ten year unemployment, with a lot of negatives against me, need advice 532 words I'm 28, and I feel lost 388 words Which job in the gaming industry? 469 words Engineering exempt salary 374 words I put in my 2 weeks, the CEO offered to literally double my salary if I stay. What do I do? 322 words Idea to beef up resume by answering tough questions 316 words I need help finding anything. 347 words [Advice]I receive hundreds of applications a year. Here's how to get your application picked out of the stack. 413 words First day of work tomorrow; Should I ask the recruiter or the HR director for this one benefit? 554 words Entry level job....messy office politics help! 346 words Up s**t creek but trying to look at this as a clean slate. What would you do in my situation? 342 words Should I even make a resume for this job? 372 words I am a dumb fuck, what can I do to be useful and productive?