I am a dumb fuck, what can I do to be useful and productive?

haha you're a lot like me. I don't like memorization. i can do it for the sake of trying to pass a test, but then the knowledge just drops off after you don't need it anymore. I love the concept of school, but I hate how it's test driven- I'm one of those people who are terrible at memorization and test. But you teach me how that piece of knowledge is applied into a working environment? I remember it based on context.

You clearly enjoy learning about programming, so put that at the forefront of what you want to do- a goal. There's plenty of places on Reddit to help you with that.

But if you don't want to do heavy on the studying/academics, you can always do vocational work that will allow you to work with your hands- a car mechanic looks and diagnoses a problem within and attempts to fix it and each car is slightly different. You could be a mailman and just drive around to see new places within the city.

For you, I'd probably take an aptitude test instead of a career placement exam. It'll show you what your strengths are and then you can tailor a career that plays well with your greatest strengths. For example, by doing this exam, I learned I had extremely high Ideaophoria (98th percentile for the testing group of thousands), the ability to basically mind dump and generate ideas at an extremely rapid pace. I can brainstorm and dump ideas in an instant and analyze the situation to look for variables and potential solutions. And I love it. So far it's led me to a career in tech support/customer service, where I get to deal with a large computer software platform that has so many different parts that new problems always arise and the solutions are always there to find. Yea it requires a bit of memorization, but I can learn how things work while working with the product. I may be a better fit for marketing, but I'll work my way there. You need to bear some hardship before you can go into the thing you want most. No one lands their dream job just out of school.

/r/jobs Thread