234 words Need advice on how to deal with a narcissistic employee as an inexperienced supervisor 213 words How bad does it look if I turn 30 without ever having a job and basically staying at my parents' home the entire time? 253 words How To Work With A Recruiter 231 words Worried I won't be able to find a job after I graduate 393 words Is Vector Marketing (company that pays college kids move Cutco knives) really a scam? Is multilevel marketing unethical? 395 words Interview Advice 304 words Success and disappointment megathread for the week of (September 04) 292 words Is it worth it to stay at my job when I'm continuously being taken advantage of? 295 words Girlfriend was just let go from her department because she "improved the efficiency enough that she wasn't needed" 228 words 22, Never had a job, How screwed am I? 726 words MY MANAGER IS TRYING TO BULLY ME OUT OF MY JOB, WHAT SHOULD I DO?! 265 words A coworker in my team (I'm the "lead") constantly tries to undermine me to get our team easy/lower quality jobs... what's the best way to deal with this? 320 words Even if we fixed the hiring process and streamlined the whole thing, wouldn't most unemployed Americans still have difficulty finding work due to the sheer volume of applicants? 173 words 26, Unemployed, and no one wants me. Do I even have a chance, or should I just give up now? 481 words Recent College Grad looking for Ideas on what to do with my degree. 203 words Job scam ???? Please help 186 words I got fired for petty reasons 191 words Having trouble getting hired 203 words Are there any good paying jobs for people with no experience. Anything will do. 221 words [Article] Guam Governor Withdraws Support For Military Buildup: "Gov. Eddie Calvo said his administration no longer supports the military buildup, citing the federal government's high rate of denials for Guam's temporary foreign worker visa applications."