197 words Update re: Ex-employee who brought mom to work 199 words Anyone else hate when someone says "just get a job?" 191 words Need advice on how to deal with getting fired from my first post-graduate school job after 5 months 270 words Take some advice from a guy who has been screening resumes... 193 words I am 22 year old 3 x college dropout without any hobby, not interested in anything, quitting every job and college after max 3 months... Seeing shrink does not help. What job would be good for me? 372 words What are the cushiest jobs you've ever had? How did a typical day play out? 525 words Why do employees want to know your interests and hobbies? 298 words Very Few interviews and no response from Went-pretty-well Interviews. Panic attack. considering Bootcamp. Worth it? Thanks! 228 words How to answer "what would your previous employer say negatively about you?" 208 words 1st time resigning, when should I do it? 227 words Job Interviews, reveal your illness/medical condition or not? 378 words Let go from dream job, need to get back on the horse. 316 words For those who left a toxic job without another offer what was your explanation? 373 words 19, depression and general anxiety disorder. 413 words History undergrad finishing college soon. I changed my goal and am now desperately in need some kind of guidance. 477 words Just started my first full time job, and they're already sending me on two business trips/conferences this month (by myself). Never been on a business trip before. What do I need to know about travel & networking? I don't have too much experience with either. 313 words I feel like I have no true passion that translates to the professional world and its really starting to bring me down... Has anyone been on the same boat? 305 words Legalities on working for two companies a once, both part time, without either of them knowing I am working for the other? 344 words In two weeks checking periodically on here, there's been at least as many posts by suicidal applicants. 397 words I always thought that your position in life depended on you alone. The amount of work you'd put in your career would result in the amount of success you'd get. But this does not seem to be the case. Why is this and how to make the most of what we can control?