215 words Question on LDS view of Jesus Christ and God the Father 329 words "We will be tried even as Abraham, it is essential in the Plan of Happiness." 273 words TIL about the relationship of Joseph Smith, Masonry, and the Temple 254 words Why don’t we talk about Heavenly Mother? 333 words New mother, haven't been to church in months, am I in the "wrong"? 120 words Terryl Givens: What is the Book of Abraham? 154 words Not giving the Priesthood to those of African descent was, according to the First Presidency, a commandment, not a “policy” or whatever you may want to call it. 372 words My brother passed away tonight. I would appreciate any prayers. 182 words Nerves are rattled for upcoming Temple Recommend Interview 267 words I just need some advice plz! 142 words Temple Attendance Trends in Your Area 150 words A guy who assaulted me when I was a child is getting married in the temple and I don’t know what to do about it 149 words Receiving the Aaronic Priesthood 143 words Is divine nature just for women? 155 words There are a lot of good people in this church, but the crazy members that I always hear about online are really making our church look bad to people who haven't had any negative personal experiences. 115 words I have a question about the position people take against the church, calling it a cult. 170 words I have a question about Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost... 341 words I've lost faith in the church and have felt nothing but worthless ever since. 204 words David and Solomon 127 words Delayed Mission Call Rumor?